Slate it all you want, but to me, Primark is a saviour. Primark: often known for its cheap prices and tacky clothes. There's a lot of people that argue that they wouldn't be caught dead in the clothes sold there. Truthfully, I never used to be fond of it either. But lately it has really upped its game and the clothes, shoes, pyjamas and lingerie are improving vastly.
It has finally brought in a wide range of retro and vintage clothing styles for cheap and affordable prices. Okay, so maybe the material isn't always best. I can totally see those platform gladiator sandals (as shown in the picture above) breaking as they are so lightweight and feel actually quite hollow. But who cares? With the prices as cheap as they are, it's worth buying and replacing when/if they do break.
The bag is probably the best item I bought. It's simple and it matches pretty much any outfit it is worn with. It is a decent size for me as I carry around my purse, phone, perfume and my make-up bag, but there's also plenty of space for more to be added. It can be worn as either a shoulder bag or a handbag and it's extremely lightweight. Plus, easily replaceable if the unfortunate does occur.
I picked up the two shift dresses just because I fell in love with them. Heart eyes emoji from me. The material is so light on the body and the fit is very good, even for curvier bodies like mine. The prints remind me of the sixties - I'm into floral print right now. When I pair them up with the fur coat I bought on my vintage haul the other weekend, I look and feel like a throwback to the sixties.
This isn't a pro-cheap, anti-expensive post. I'm more than willing to spend more money for better quality or better looking items. I just don't think Primark deserves the hate it gets in the media and amongst the public. It's improving so much and it provides an affordable alternative to the clothes you may have wanted but couldn't quite afford. I haven't really had a fault so far with Primark, and if the stock continues to stay like this, I will be shopping there more. Go Primark! And thank you for making my shopping haul so eventful!
Bag // £8
Platform Sandals // £14
Blue Shift Dress // £13
Black Shift Dress // £13